
shdwDrive v1.5 is no longer maintained. Please migrate to v2 and consult the new developer guide for instructions.


Getting Started: Javascript SDK

Let's scaffold a React app and add our dependencies

npx create-react-app shdwapp
cd shdwapp/
yarn add @shadow-drive/sdk @project-serum/anchor \
    @solana/wallet-adapter-base \
    @solana/wallet-adapter-react \
    @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui \
    @solana/wallet-adapter-wallets \
    @solana/web3.js \

Review the Solana Web3.js SDK and Solana API resources.

Instantiate the Wallet and Connection

Use the Solana docs and examples here if you need help. We're going to focus on ShdwDrive SDK in these docs, so if you need a primer on how to build a React site with Solana, we can refer you to other resources.

Solana example code:

Sample Code provided by Solana
import { WalletNotConnectedError } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-base';
import { useConnection, useWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
 import { Keypair, SystemProgram, Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js';
 import React, { FC, useCallback } from 'react';
export const SendSOLToRandomAddress: FC = () => {
const { connection } = useConnection();
const { publicKey, sendTransaction } = useWallet();
const onClick = useCallback(async () => {
    if (!publicKey) throw new WalletNotConnectedError();

    // 890880 lamports as of 2022-09-01
    const lamports = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(0);

    const transaction = new Transaction().add(
            fromPubkey: publicKey,
            toPubkey: Keypair.generate().publicKey,

    const {
        context: { slot: minContextSlot },
        value: { blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight }
    } = await connection.getLatestBlockhashAndContext();

    const signature = await sendTransaction(transaction, connection, { minContextSlot });

    await connection.confirmTransaction({ blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight, signature });
}, [publicKey, sendTransaction, connection]);

return (
    <button onClick={onClick} disabled={!publicKey}>
        Send SOL to a random address!


Building components for various ShdwDrive operations

Let's start by instantiating the ShdwDrive connection class object. This will have all ShdwDrive methods and it implements the signing wallet within the class for all transactions.

At the simplest level, it is recommend for a React app to immediately try to load a connection to a user's ShdwDrives upon wallet connection. This can be done with the useEffect React hook.

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
import {ShdwDrive} from "@shadow-drive/sdk";
import { useWallet, useConnection } from "@solana/wallet-adapter-react";

export default function Drive() {
    const { connection } = useConnection();
    const wallet = useWallet();
    useEffect(() => {
        (async () => {
            if (wallet?.publicKey) {
                const drive = await new ShdwDrive(connection, wallet).init();
    }, [wallet?.publicKey])
    return (

This can be done with a NodeJS + TypeScript program as well.

const anchor = require("@project-serum/anchor");
const { Connection, clusterApiUrl, Keypair } = require("@solana/web3.js");
const { ShdwDrive } = require("@shadow-drive/sdk");
const key = require("./shdwkey.json");

async function main() {
    let secretKey = Uint8Array.from(key);
    let keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(secretKey);
    const connection = new Connection(
    const wallet = new anchor.Wallet(keypair);
    const drive = await new ShdwDrive(connection, wallet).init();


Create a Storage Account

This implementation is effectively the same for both Web and Node implementations. There are three params that are required to create a storage account:

  • name: a friendly name for your storage account

  • size: The size of your storage accounts with a human readable ending containing KB, MB, or GB

  • version: can be either v1 or v2. Note - v1 is completely deprecated and you shuold only use v2 moving forward.

//create account
const newAcct = await drive.createStorageAccount("myDemoBucket", "10MB", "v2");

Get a list of Owned Storage Accounts

This implementation is effectively the same for both Web and Node implementations. The only parameter required is either v1 or v2 for the version of storage account you created in the previous step.

const accts = await drive.getStorageAccounts("v2");
// handle printing pubKey of first storage acct
let acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(accts[0].publicKey);

Full Response:

    publicKey: PublicKey {
      _bn: <BN: c9217d175c7257f52a64cb9faa203e65487343720441cef2d9abcb3f8c706053>
    account: {
      immutable: false,
      toBeDeleted: false,
      deleteRequestEpoch: 0,
      storage: <BN: a00000>,
      owner1: [PublicKey],
      accountCounterSeed: 0,
      creationTime: 1665690481,
      creationEpoch: 359,
      lastFeeEpoch: 359,
      identifier: 'myDemoBucket'
    publicKey: PublicKey {
      _bn: <BN: 502aa038c1b95a8bc36c301f3ae06beda929ec3a044b0543e70d4378d4c574ea>
    account: {
      immutable: false,
      toBeDeleted: false,
      deleteRequestEpoch: 0,
      storage: <BN: a00000>,
      owner1: [PublicKey],
      accountCounterSeed: 1,
      creationTime: 1665690563,
      creationEpoch: 359,
      lastFeeEpoch: 359,
      identifier: 'myDemoBucket'

Get a Specific Storage Account

This implementation is effectively the same for both Web and Node implementations. The only parameter required is either a PublicKey object or a base-58 string of the public key.

const acct = await drive.getStorageAccount(

Full Response:

  storage_account: 'EY8ZktbRmecPLfopBxJfNBGUPT1LMqZmDFVcWeMTGPcN',
  reserved_bytes: 10485760,
  current_usage: 0,
  immutable: false,
  to_be_deleted: false,
  delete_request_epoch: 0,
  owner1: 'GXE2RHkdivb7pdBykiAr9mpKy1kHF1Qe7oZqnX4NwkoD',
  account_counter_seed: 0,
  creation_time: 1665690481,
  creation_epoch: 359,
  last_fee_epoch: 359,
  identifier: 'myDemoBucket',
  version: 'V2'

Upload a File

The uploadFile method requires two parameters:

  • key: A PublicKey object representing the public key of the Shdw Storage Account

  • data: A file of either the File object type or ShadowFile object type

Check the intellisense popup below when hovering over the method

File objects are implemented in web browsers, and ShadowFile is a custom type we implemented in TypeScript. So either you are using File in the web, or you are scripting in TS.

Here is an example with a React Component:

React Upload Component
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { ShdwDrive } from "@shadow-drive/sdk";
import { useWallet, useConnection } from "@solana/wallet-adapter-react";
import FormData from "form-data";

export default function Upload() {
    const [file, setFile] = useState < File > undefined;
    const [uploadUrl, setUploadUrl] = useState < String > undefined;
    const [txnSig, setTxnSig] = useState < String > undefined;
    const { connection } = useConnection();
    const wallet = useWallet();
    return (
                onSubmit={async (event) => {
                    const drive = await new ShdwDrive(
                    const accounts = await drive.getStorageAccounts();
                    const acc = accounts[0].publicKey;
                    const getStorageAccount = await drive.getStorageAccount(

                    const upload = await drive.uploadFile(acc, file);
                <h1>ShdwDrive File Upload</h1>
                    onChange={(e) => setFile([0])}
                <br />
                <button type="submit">Upload</button>
            <span>You may have to wait 60-120s for the URL to appear</span>
                {uploadUrl ? (
                        <h4>URL: {uploadUrl}</h4>
                        <h4>Sig: {txnSig}</h4>
                ) : (

And a NodeJS + TypeScript implementation would look like:

TS UploadFile
const { ShdwDrive, ShadowFile } = require("@shadow-drive/sdk");
 * ...
 * Initialize storage account here...
 * ...
const fileBuff = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt");
const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const fileToUpload: ShadowFile = {
    name: "mytext.txt",
    file: fileBuff,
const uploadFile = await drive.uploadFile(acctPubKey, fileToUpload);

Upload Multiple Files

This is a nearly identical implementation to uploadFile, except that it requires a FileList or array of ShadowFiles and an optional concurrency parameter.

Recall that the default setting is to attempt to upload 3 files concurrently. Here you can override this and specify how many files you want to try to upload based on the cores and bandwith of your infrastructure.

Delete a File

The implementation of deleteFile is the same between web and Node. There are three required parameters to delete a file:

  • key: the storage account's public key

  • url: the current URL of the file to be deleted

  • version: can be either v1 or v2

const url =
const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const delFile = await drive.deleteFile(acctPubKey, url, "v2");

Edit a File (aka Replace a file)

The editFile method is a combo of uploadFile and deleteFile. Let's look at the params:

  • key: the Public Key of the storage account

  • url: the URL of the file that is being replaced

  • data: the file that is replacing the current file. It must have the exact same filename and extension, and it must be a File or ShadowFile object

  • version: either v1 or v2

const fileToUpload: ShadowFile = {
    name: "mytext.txt",
    file: fileBuff,
const url =
const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const editFile = await drive.editFile(acctPubKey, url, "v2", fileToUpload);

List Storage Account Files (aka List Objects)

This is a simple implementation that only requires a public key to get the file names of a storage account.

const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const listItems = await drive.listObjects(acctPubKey);

And the response payload:

{ keys: [ 'index.html' ] }

Increase Storage Account Size

This is a method to simply increase the storage limit of a storage account. It requires three params:

  • key: storage account public key

  • size: amount to increase by, must end with KB, MB, or GB

  • version: storage account version, must be v1 or v2

const accts = await drive.getStorageAccounts("v2");
let acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(accts[1].publicKey);
const addStgResp = await drive.addStorage(acctPubKey, "10MB", "v2");

Reduce Storage Account Size

This is a method to decrease the storage limit of a storage account. This implementation only requires three params - the storage account key, the amount to reduce it by, and the version.

const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const shrinkAcct = await drive.reduceStorage(acctPubKey, "10MB", "v2");

Next you'll want to claim your unused SHDW

This method allows you to reclaim the SHDW that is no longer being used. This method only requires a storage account public key and a version.

const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const claimStake = await drive.claimStake(acctPubKey, "v2");

Delete a Storage Account

As the name implies, you can delete a storage account and all of its files. The storage account can still be recovered until the current epoch ends, but after that, it will be removed. This implementation only requires two params - a storage account key and a version.

const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const delAcct = await drive.deleteStorageAccount(acctPubKey, "v2");

Undelete the Deleted Storage Account

You can still get your storage account back if the current epoch hasn't elapsed. This implementation only requires two params - an account public key and a version.

const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const cancelDelStg = await drive.cancelDeleteStorageAccount(acctPubKey, "v2");




This method is used to create a new instance of the ShdwDrive class. It accepts a web3 connection object and a web3 wallet. It returns an instance of the ShdwDrive class.


  • connection: Connection - initialized web3 connection object

  • wallet: any - Web3 wallet


It returns an instance of the ShdwDrive class.

const shadowDrive = new ShadowDrive(connection, wallet).init();



addStorage is a method of the ShadowDrive class defined in index.ts at line 121. It takes three parameters: key, size, and version and returns a Promise<ShadowDriveResponse> with the confirmed transaction ID.


  • key: PublicKey - Public Key of the existing storage to increase size on

  • size: string - Amount of storage you are requesting to add to your storage account. Should be in a string like '1KB', '1MB', '1GB'. Only KB, MB, and GB storage delineations are supported currently.

  • version: ShadowDriveVersion - ShadowDrive version (v1 or v2)


Confirmed transaction ID

  message: string;
  transaction_signature?: string
const accts = await drive.getStorageAccounts("v2");
let acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(accts[1].publicKey);
const addStgResp = await drive.addStorage(acctPubKey, "10MB", "v2");



Implementation of cancelDeleteStorageAccount defined in index.ts:135 This method is used to cancel a delete request for a Storage Account on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of the Storage Account and the ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It returns a Promise<{ txid: string }> containing the confirmed transaction ID of the undelete request.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey


Confirmed transaction ID

const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const cancelDelStg = await drive.cancelDeleteStorageAccount(acctPubKey, "v2");



This method is used to request a Stake on ShdwDrive. It accepts a PublicKey of the Storage Account and the ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It returns a Promise<{ txid: string }> containing the confirmed transaction ID of the claimStake request.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account

  • version: `ShadowDrive


Confirmed transaction ID

const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const claimStake = await drive.claimStake(acctPubKey, "v2");



Implementation of ShdwDrive.createStorageAccount defined in index.ts:120 This method is used to create a new Storage Account on ShdwDrive. It accepts the name of the Storage Account, the size of the requested Storage Account, and the ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It also accepts an optional secondary owner for the Storage Account. It returns a Promise containing the created Storage Account and the transaction signature.


  • name: string - What you want your storage account to be named. (Does not have to be unique)

  • size: string - Amount of storage you are requesting to create. Should be in a string like '1KB', '1MB', '1GB'. Only KB, MB, and GB storage delineations are supported currently.

  • version: ShadowDriveVersion - ShdwDrive version(v1 or v2)

  • owner2 (optional): PublicKey - Optional secondary owner for the storage account.


    "shdw_bucket": String,
    "transaction_signature": String
//create account
const newAcct = await drive.createStorageAccount("myDemoBucket", "10MB", "v2");



This method is used to delete a file on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of your Storage Account, the ShdwDrive URL of the file you are requesting to delete and the ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It returns a Promise containing the confirmed transaction ID of the delete request.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account

  • url: string - ShdwDrive URL of the file you are requesting to delete.

  • version: `ShdwDrive

  • Version` - ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2)


    "message": String,
    "error": String or not passed if no error
const url =
const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const delFile = await drive.deleteFile(acctPubKey, url, "v2");



Implementation of ShadowDrive.deleteStorageAccount defined in index.ts:124 This method is used to delete a Storage Account on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of the Storage Account and the ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It returns a Promise<{ txid: string }> containing the confirmed transaction ID of the delete request.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of a Storage Account

  • version: ShadowDriveVersion - ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2)


Confirmed transaction ID

const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const delAcct = await drive.deleteStorageAccount(acctPubKey, "v2");



This method is used to edit a file on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of your Storage Account, the URL of the existing file, the File or ShadowFile object, and the ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It returns a Promise containing the file location and the transaction signature.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account

  • url: string - URL of existing file

  • data: File | ShadowFile - File or ShadowFile object, file extensions should be included in the name property of ShadowFiles.

  • version: ShadowDriveVersion - ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2)


  finalized_location: string;
const fileToUpload: ShadowFile = {
    name: "mytext.txt",
    file: fileBuff,
const url =
const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const editFile = await drive.editFile(acctPubKey, url, "v2", fileToUpload);



This method is used to get the details of a Storage Account on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of the Storage Account and returns a Promise containing the Storage Account details.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of a Storage Account


  storage_account: PublicKey;
  reserved_bytes: number;
  current_usage: number;
  immutable: boolean;
  to_be_deleted: boolean;
  delete_request_epoch: number;
  owner1: PublicKey;
  account_counter_seed: number;
  creation_time: number;
  creation_epoch: number;
  last_fee_epoch: number;
  identifier: string;
  version: `${Uppercase<ShadowDriveVersion>}`;
const acct = await drive.getStorageAccount(



This method is used to get a list of all the Storage Accounts associated with the current user. It accepts a ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It returns a Promise<StorageAccountResponse[]> containing the list of storage accounts.


  • version: ShadowDriveVersion - ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2)


  publicKey: anchor.web3.PublicKey;
  account: StorageAccount;
    .then((storageAccounts) =>
        console.log(`List of storage accounts: ${storageAccounts}`)
    .catch((err) => console.log(`Error getting storage accounts: ${err}`));



This method is used to list the Objects in a Storage Account on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of the Storage Account and returns a Promise containing the list of Objects in the Storage Account.


  • storageAccount: PublicKey


  keys: string[];
const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const listItems = await drive.listObjects(acctPubKey);



This method is used to make a Storage Account immutable on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of the Storage Account and the ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It returns a Promise containing the confirmed transaction ID of the makeStorageImmutable request.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account

  • version: ShadowDriveVersion - ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2)


  message: string;
  transaction_signature?: string;
const key = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const result = await drive.makeStorageImmutable(key, "v2");



This method is used to migrate a Storage Account on ShdwDrive. It accepts a PublicKey of the Storage Account. It returns a Promise<{ txid: string }> containing the confirmed transaction ID of the migration request.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account


Confirmed transaction ID

const result = await drive.migrate(key);



This method is used to redeem Rent on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of the Storage Account and the Public Key of the file account to close. It returns a Promise<{ txid: string }> containing the confirmed transaction ID of the redeemRent request.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account

  • fileAccount: PublicKey - PublicKey of the file account to close


Confirmed transaction ID

const fileAccount = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const result = await drive.redeemRent(key, fileAccount);



This method is used to reduce the storage of a Storage Account on ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of the Storage Account, the amount of storage you are requesting to reduce from your storage account, and the ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2). It returns a Promise containing the confirmed transaction ID of the reduce storage request.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account

  • size: string - Amount of storage you are requesting to reduce from your storage account. Should be in a string like '1KB', '1MB', '1GB'. Only KB, MB, and GB storage delineations are supported currently.

  • version: ShadowDriveVersion - ShdwDrive version (v1 or v2)


  message: string;
  transaction_signature?: string;
const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const shrinkAcct = await drive.reduceStorage(acctPubKey, "10MB", "v2");



This exposes the PDA account in case developers have a need to display / use the data stored in the account.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account

  • data: File | ShadowFile - File or ShadowFile object, file extensions should be included in the name property of ShadowFiles.


Public Key

storageConfigPDA: PublicKey;



This method is used to update your storage account's stake amount. It is required to call this method after calling the `topUp` method in order for your stage account to update properly.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of the Storage Account

  • version: can be either v1 or v2. Note - v1 is completely deprecated and you shuold only use v2 moving forward.


    txid: string



This method is used to top up a storage account's $SHDW balance to cover any necessary fees, like mutable storage fees which are collected every epoch. It is necessary to call the `refreshStake` method after this.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of the Storage Account

  • amount: Number - Amount of $SHDW to transfer to the stake account


    txid: string;



This method is used to upload a file to ShdwDrive. It accepts a Public Key of your Storage Account and a File or ShadowFile object. The file extensions should be included in the name property of ShadowFiles. It returns a Promise containing the file location and the transaction signature.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of Storage Account.

  • data: File | ShadowFile - File or ShadowFile object, file extensions should be included in the name property of ShadowFiles.


  finalized_locations: Array<string>;
  message: string;
  upload_errors: Array<UploadError>;
const uploadFile = await drive.uploadFile(acctPubKey, fileToUpload);



This method is used to upload multiple files to a Storage Account on ShdwDrive. It accepts the Storage Account's PublicKey, a data object containing the FileList or ShadowFile array of files to upload, an optional concurrent number for the number of files to concurrently upload, and an optional callback function for every batch of files uploaded. It returns a Promise<ShadowBatchUploadResponse[]> containing the file names, locations and transaction signatures for uploaded files.


  • key: PublicKey - Storage account PublicKey to upload the files to.

  • data: FileList | ShadowFile[] -

  • concurrent (optional): number - Number of files to concurrently upload. Default: 3

  • callback (optional): Function - Callback function for every batch of files uploaded. A number will be passed into the callback like callback(num) indicating the number of files that were confirmed in that specific batch.


  fileName: string;
  status: string;
  location: string;
const drive = new ShadowDrive();
const acctPubKey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
const files = [
        name: "file1.txt",
        file: new File(["hello"], "file1.txt"),
        name: "file2.txt",
        file: new File(["world"], "file2.txt"),
        name: "file3.txt",
        file: new File(["!"], "file3.txt"),
const concurrentUploads = 2;
const callback = (response) => {
    console.log(`Uploaded file ${response.fileIndex}: ${response.fileName}`);
const responses = await drive.uploadMultipleFiles(



userInfo: PublicKey

Example - Using POST API requests via the Javascript SDK to make an account immutable with solana transaction signing

// Import required modules and constants
import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { getStakeAccount, findAssociatedTokenAddress } from "../utils/helpers";
import {
} from "../utils/common";
import {
} from "@solana/spl-token";
import { ShadowDriveVersion, ShadowDriveResponse } from "../types";
import fetch from "node-fetch";

 * @param {anchor.web3.PublicKey} key - Publickey of a Storage Account
 * @param {ShadowDriveVersion} version - ShadowDrive version (v1 or v2)
 * @returns {ShadowDriveResponse} - Confirmed transaction ID
export default async function makeStorageImmutable(
  key: anchor.web3.PublicKey,
  version: ShadowDriveVersion
): Promise<ShadowDriveResponse> {
  let selectedAccount;
  // Fetch the selected account based on the version
  try {
    switch (version.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
      case "v1":
        selectedAccount = await this.program.account.storageAccount.fetch(key);
      case "v2":
        selectedAccount = await this.program.account.storageAccountV2.fetch(
    // Find associated token addresses
    const ownerAta = await findAssociatedTokenAddress(
    const emissionsAta = await findAssociatedTokenAddress(emissions, tokenMint);
    // Get stake account
    let stakeAccount = (await getStakeAccount(this.program, key))[0];
    let txn;