
shdwDrive v1.5 is no longer maintained. Please migrate to v2 and consult the new developer guide for instructions.



The Rust SDK is available on and Rust SDK Github

Run the following Cargo command in your project directory: cargo add shadow-drive-sdk

Or add the following line to your Cargo.toml shadow-drive-sdk = "0.6.1"

You can find more examples on our Github

Example - Upload Multiple Files to ShdwDrive Using Rust

This Rust code example demonstrates how to upload multiple files to a ShdwDrive using the shadow_drive_rust library. It initializes a tracing subscriber, reads a keypair from a file, creates a ShdwDrive client, derives the storage account public key, reads files from a directory, creates a vector of ShadowFile structs for upload, and finally uploads the files to the ShdwDrive.

// Example - Upload Multiple Files to ShdwDrive Using Rust
// Initialize the subscriber with environment filter

// Load keypair from file using the provided KEYPAIR_PATH
let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");

// Create a new ShdwDriveClient instance with the loaded keypair and server URL
let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

// Derive the storage account public key using the keypair's public key
let pubkey = keypair.pubkey();
let (storage_account_key, _) =
    shadow_drive_rust::derived_addresses::storage_account(&pubkey, 0);

// Read files from the "multiple_uploads" directory
let dir = tokio::fs::read_dir("multiple_uploads")
.expect("failed to read multiple uploads dir");

// Create a Vec of ShadowFile structs for upload 
// by iterating through the directory entries
let mut files = tokio_stream::wrappers::ReadDirStream::new(dir)
    .and_then(|entry| async move {
                .expect("failed to convert os string to regular string"),
    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
    .expect("failed to create shdw files for dir");

// Add a ShadowFile with bytes content to the files vector
    &b"this is a buf test"[..],

// Upload the files to the ShdwDrive using the storage_account_key
let upload_results = shdw_drive_client
    .upload_multiple_files(&storage_account_key, files)
    .expect("failed to upload files");

println!("upload results: {:#?}", upload_results);




Adds storage capacity to the specified immutable StorageAccount. This will fail if the StorageAccount is not immutable.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the immutable StorageAccount.

  • size - The additional amount of storage you want to add. E.g if you have an existing StorageAccount with 1MB of storage but you need 2MB total, size should equal 1MB. When specifying size, only KB, MB, and GB storage units are currently supported.

Example of add_immutable_storage

let add_immutable_storage_response = shdw_drive_client
    .add_immutable_storage(storage_account_key, Byte::from_str("1MB").expect("invalid byte string"))

Response from add_immutable_storage

    message: String,
    transaction_signature: String,
    error: Option<String>,



Adds storage capacity to the specified StorageAccount.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount.

  • size - The additional amount of storage you want to add. E.g if you have an existing StorageAccount with 1MB of storage but you need 2MB total, size should equal 1MB. When specifying size, only KB, MB, and GB storage units are currently supported.

Example of add_storage

let add_immutable_storage_response = shdw_drive_client
    .add_immutable_storage(storage_account_key, Byte::from_str("1MB").expect("invalid byte string"))

Response from add_storage

    message: String,
    transaction_signature: String,
    error: Option<String>,



Unmarks a StorageAccount for deletion from the ShdwDrive. To prevent deletion, this method must be called before the end of the Solana epoch in which delete_storage_account is called.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that you want to unmark for deletion.

Example of cancel_delete_storage_account

let cancel_delete_storage_account_response = shdw_drive_client

Response from cancel_delete_storage_account

    txid: String,



Claims any available stake as a result of the reduce_storage command. After reducing storage amount, users must wait until the end of the epoch to successfully claim their stake.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that you want to claim excess stake from.

Example of claim_stake

let claim_stake_response = shdw_drive_client

Response from claim_stake

    txid: String,



Creates a StorageAccount on the ShdwDrive. StorageAccounts can hold multiple files and are paid for using the SHDW token.


  • name - The name of the StorageAccount. Does not need to be unique.

  • size - The amount of storage the StorageAccount should be initialized with. When specifying size, only KB, MB, and GB storage units are currently supported.

Example of create_storage_account

An example use case for this method can be found in the same github repository

// Rust SDK example of creating a StorageAccount using create_storage_account
async fn main() {
    // Get keypair
    let keypair_file: String = std::env::args()
        .expect("no keypair file provided");
    let keypair: Keypair = read_keypair_file(keypair_file).expect("failed to read keypair file");
    println!("loaded keypair");

    // Initialize client
    let client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, SOLANA_MAINNET_RPC);
    println!("initialized client");

    // Create account
    let response = client

Response from create_storage_account

    message: String,
    transaction_signature: String,
    storage_account_address: String,
    error: Option<String>,



Marks a file for deletion from the ShdwDrive. Files marked for deletion are deleted at the end of each Solana epoch. Marking a file for deletion can be undone with cancel_delete_file, but this must be done before the end of the Solana epoch.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that contains the file.

  • url - The ShdwDrive url of the file you want to mark for deletion.

Example of delete_file

let delete_file_response = shdw_drive_client
    .delete_file(&storage_account_key, url)

An example use case for this method can be found in the same github repository

// Rust SDK example of marking a file for deletion from ShdwDrive using delete_file
async fn main() {
    // Get keypair
    let keypair_file: String = std::env::args()
        .expect("no keypair file provided");
    let keypair: Keypair = read_keypair_file(keypair_file).expect("failed to read keypair file");
    println!("loaded keypair");

    // Initialize client
    let client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, SOLANA_MAINNET_RPC);
    println!("initialized client");

    // Create account
    let response = client
        .expect("failed to create storage account");
    let account = Pubkey::from_str(&response.shdw_bucket.unwrap()).unwrap();
    println!("created storage account");

    // Upload files
    let files: Vec<ShadowFile> = vec![
        ShadowFile::file("alpha.txt".to_string(), "./examples/files/alpha.txt"),
    let response = client
        .store_files(&account, files.clone())
        .expect("failed to upload files");
    println!("uploaded files");
    for url in &response.finalized_locations {
        println!("    {url}")

    // Try editing
    for file in files {
        let response = client
            .edit_file(&account, file)
            .expect("failed to upload files");
        assert!(!response.finalized_location.is_empty(), "failed edit");
        println!("edited file: {}", response.finalized_location);

    // Delete files
    for url in response.finalized_locations {
            .delete_file(&account, url)
            .expect("failed to delete files");



This function marks a StorageAccount for deletion from the ShdwDrive. If an account is marked for deletion, all files within the account will be deleted as well. Any stake remaining in the StorageAccount will be refunded to the creator. Accounts marked for deletion are deleted at the end of each Solana epoch.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that you want to mark for deletion.

Response from delete_storage_account

  • This method returns success if it can successfully mark the account for deletion and refund any remaining stake in the account before the end of the current Solana epoch.

Example of delete_storage_account

let delete_storage_account_response = shdw_drive_client

An example use case for this method can be found in the same github repository on line 71.



Replace an existing file on the ShdwDrive with the given updated file.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that contains the file.

  • url - The ShdwDrive url of the file you want to replace.

  • data - The updated ShadowFile.

Example of edit_file

let edit_file_response = shdw_drive_client
    .edit_file(&storage_account_key, url, file)

Response from edit_file

    finalized_location: String,
    error: String,

Examples found in repository

File: examples/, Line 53

// Rust SDK end to end example of getting a keypair, initializing a client, 
// creating an account, uploading a file, and editing the file
async fn main() {
    // Get keypair
    let keypair_file: String = std::env::args()
        .expect("no keypair file provided");
    let keypair: Keypair = read_keypair_file(keypair_file).expect("failed to read keypair file");
    println!("loaded keypair");

    // Initialize client
    let client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, SOLANA_MAINNET_RPC);
    println!("initialized client");

    // Create account
    let response = client
        .expect("failed to create storage account");
    let account = Pubkey::from_str(&response.shdw_bucket.unwrap()).unwrap();
    println!("created storage account");

    // Upload files
    let files: Vec<ShadowFile> = vec![
        ShadowFile::file("alpha.txt".to_string(), "./examples/files/alpha.txt"),
    let response = client
        .store_files(&account, files.clone())
        .expect("failed to upload files");
    println!("uploaded files");
    for url in &response.finalized_locations {
        println!("    {url}")
    // Try editing
    for file in files {
        let response = client
            .edit_file(&account, file)
            .expect("failed to upload files");


Retrieve object data



Returns the StorageAccount associated with the pubkey provided by a user.


  • key - The public key of the StorageAccount.

Example of get_storage_account

let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
    .expect("failed to get storage account");

Response for V1 StorageAccount from get_storage_account

    storage_account: Pubkey,
    reserved_bytes: u64,
    current_usage: u64,
    immutable: bool,
    to_be_deleted: bool,
    delete_request_epoch: u32,
    owner_1: Pubkey,
    owner_2: Pubkey,
    account_counter_seed: u32,
    creation_time: u32,
    creation_epoch: u32,
    last_fee_epoch: u32,
    identifier: String,

Response for V2 StorageAccount from get_storage_account

    storage_account: Pubkey,
    reserved_bytes: u64,
    current_usage: u64,
    immutable: bool,
    to_be_deleted: bool,
    delete_request_epoch: u32,
    owner_1: Pubkey,
    account_counter_seed: u32,
    creation_time: u32,
    creation_epoch: u32,
    last_fee_epoch: u32,
    identifier: String,



Returns all StorageAccounts associated with the public key provided by a user.


  • owner - The public key that is the owner of all the returned StorageAccounts.

Example of get_storage_accounts

let storage_accounts = shdw_drive_client
    .expect("failed to get storage account");

Response for V1 StorageAccount from get_storage_accounts


    storage_account: Pubkey,
    reserved_bytes: u64,
    current_usage: u64,
    immutable: bool,
    to_be_deleted: bool,
    delete_request_epoch: u32,
    owner_1: Pubkey,
    owner_2: Pubkey,
    account_counter_seed: u32,
    creation_time: u32,
    creation_epoch: u32,
    last_fee_epoch: u32,
    identifier: String,

Response for V2 StorageAccount from get_storage_accounts

    storage_account: Pubkey,
    reserved_bytes: u64,
    current_usage: u64,
    immutable: bool,
    to_be_deleted: bool,
    delete_request_epoch: u32,
    owner_1: Pubkey,
    account_counter_seed: u32,
    creation_time: u32,
    creation_epoch: u32,
    last_fee_epoch: u32,
    identifier: String,



This method is used to get the amount of storage currently used by a given storage account.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that owns the files.

Example of get_storage_account_size

let storage_account_size = shdw_drive_client

Response from get_storage_account_size

    storage_used: u64;
    error: Option<String>;



Gets a list of all files associated with a StorageAccount. The output contains all of the file names as strings.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that owns the files.

Example of list_objects

let files = shdw_drive_client

Response from list_objects

Note: The response is a vector containing all of the file names as strings.



Permanently locks a StorageAccount and all contained files. After a StorageAccount has been locked, a user will no longer be able to delete/edit files, add/reduce storage amount, or delete the StorageAccount.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that will be made immutable.

Example of make_storage_immutable

let make_immutable_response = shdw_drive_client  

Response from make_storage_immutable

    message: String,
    transaction_signature: String,
    error: Option<String>,



Migrates a v1 StorageAccount to v2. This requires two separate transactions to reuse the original pubkey. To minimize chance of failure, it is recommended to call this method with a commitment level of Finalized.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount to be migrated.

Example of migrate

let migrate_response = shdw_drive_client

Response from migrate

    txid: String,



First transaction step that migrates a v1 StorageAccount to v2. Consists of copying the existing account’s data into an intermediate account, and deleting the v1 StorageAccount.



Second transaction step that migrates a v1 StorageAccount to v2. Consists of recreating the StorageAccount using the original pubkey, and deleting the intermediate account.



Creates a new ShadowDriveClient from the given Signer and URL.


  • wallet - A Signer that for signs all transactions generated by the client. Typically this is a user’s keypair.

  • rpc_url - An HTTP URL of a Solana RPC provider. The underlying Solana RPC client is configured with 120s timeout and a commitment level of confirmed.

To customize RpcClient settings see new_with_rpc.

Example of new

use solana_sdk::signer::keypair::Keypair;    

let wallet = Keypair::generate();
let shdw_drive = ShadowDriveClient::new(wallet, "");

Examples found in repository

examples/ (line 19)

// Rust SDK example using `new` method to create a new ShadowDriveClient
async fn main() {
    // Get keypair
    let keypair_file: String = std::env::args()
        .expect("no keypair file provided");
    let keypair: Keypair = read_keypair_file(keypair_file).expect("failed to read keypair file");
    println!("loaded keypair");

    // Initialize client
    let client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, SOLANA_MAINNET_RPC);
    println!("initialized client");



Creates a new ShadowDriveClient from the given Signer and RpcClient.


  • wallet - A Signer that for signs all transactions generated by the client. Typically this is a user’s keypair.

  • rpc_client - A Solana RpcClient that handles sending transactions and reading accounts from the blockchain. Providing the RpcClient allows customization of timeout and commitment level.

Example of new_with_rpc

use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
use solana_sdk::signer::keypair::Keypair;    
use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;

let wallet = Keypair::generate();
let solana_rpc = RpcClient::new_with_commitment("", CommitmentConfig::confirmed());
let shdw_drive = ShadowDriveClient::new_with_rpc(wallet, solana_rpc);



Reclaims the Solana rent from any on-chain file accounts. Older versions of the ShdwDrive used to create accounts for uploaded files.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount that contained the deleted file.

  • file_account_key - The public key of the File account to be closed.

Example of redeem_rent

let redeem_rent_response = shdw_drive_client
    .redeem_rent(&storage_account_key, &file_account_key)

Response from redeem_rent

  message: String,
  transaction_signature: String,
  error: Option<String>,



Reduces the amount of total storage available for the given StorageAccount.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount whose storage will be reduced.

  • size - The amount of storage you want to remove. E.g if you have an existing StorageAccount with 3MB of storage but you want 2MB total, size should equal 1MB. When specifying size, only KB, MB, and GB storage units are currently supported.

Example of reduce_storage

let reduce_storage_response = shdw_drive_client
    .reduce_storage(&storage_account_key, reduced_bytes)

Response from reduce_storage

  message: String,
  transaction_signature: String,
  error: Option<String>,



This method is used to update your storage account's stake amount. It is required to call this method after calling the `topUp` method in order for your stage account to update properly.


  • storage_account_key: PublicKey - Publickey of the Storage Account

Example of refresh_stake

let refresh_stake = shdw_drive_client

Response from refresh_stake

    txid: string;



Stores files in the specified StorageAccount.


  • storage_account_key - The public key of the StorageAccount.

  • data - Vector of ShadowFile objects representing the files that will be stored.

Example of store_files

let files: Vec<ShadowFile> = vec![
    ShadowFile::file("alpha.txt".to_string(), "./examples/files/alpha.txt"),
let store_files_response = shdw_drive_client
    .store_files(&storage_account_key, files)

Response from store_files

  finalized_locations: Array<string>;
  message: string;
  upload_errors: Array<UploadError>;



This method is used to top up a storage account's $SHDW balance to cover any necessary fees, like mutable storage fees which are collected every epoch. It is necessary to call the `refresh_stake` method after this.


  • key: PublicKey - Publickey of the Storage Account

  • amount: u64- Amount of $SHDW to transfer to the stake account

Example of top_up

let top_up_amount: u64 = 1000;
let top_up = shdw_drive_client
    .top_up(&storage_account_key, top_up_amount)
let refresh_stake = shdw_drive_client

Response from top_up

    txid: string;

Example - ShdwDrive Client: Creating and Managing Storage Accounts using Rust

use byte_unit::Byte;
use shadow_drive_rust::{
    models::storage_acct::StorageAcct, ShadowDriveClient, StorageAccountVersion,
use solana_sdk::{
    signer::{keypair::read_keypair_file, Signer},
use std::str::FromStr;

const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "/Users/dboures/.config/solana/id.json";

// Main function demonstrating the usage of ShdwDrive Rust client
async fn main() {
    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");

    //create shdw drive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    // // 1.
    // create_storage_accounts(shdw_drive_client).await;

    // // 2.
    // let v1_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("J4RJYandDDKxyF6V1HAdShDSbMXk78izZ2yEksqyvGmo").unwrap();
    let v2_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("9dXUV4BEKWohSRDn4cy5G7JkhUDWoSUGGwJngrSg453r").unwrap();

    // make_storage_immutable(&shdw_drive_client, &v1_pubkey).await;
    // make_storage_immutable(&shdw_drive_client, &v2_pubkey).await;

    // // 3.
    // add_immutable_storage_test(&shdw_drive_client, &v1_pubkey).await;
    add_immutable_storage_test(&shdw_drive_client, &v2_pubkey).await;

// Function to create storage accounts with specified version and size
async fn create_storage_accounts<T: Signer>(shdw_drive_client: ShadowDriveClient<T>) {
    let result_v1 = shdw_drive_client
            Byte::from_str("1MB").expect("invalid byte string"),
        .expect("error creating storage account");
    // Create a storage account with version 2
    let result_v2 = shdw_drive_client
            Byte::from_str("1MB").expect("invalid byte string"),
        .expect("error creating storage account");

    println!("v1: {:?}", result_v1);
    println!("v2: {:?}", result_v2);

// Function to make a storage account immutable
async fn make_storage_immutable<T: Signer>(
    shdw_drive_client: &ShadowDriveClient<T>,
    storage_account_key: &Pubkey,
) {
    let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to get storage account");
    match storage_account {
        StorageAcct::V1(storage_account) => println!("account: {:?}", storage_account),
        StorageAcct::V2(storage_account) => println!("account: {:?}", storage_account),

    // Make the storage account immutable
    let make_immutable_response = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to make storage immutable");

    println!("response: {:?}", make_immutable_response);

    let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to get storage account");
    match storage_account {
        StorageAcct::V1(storage_account) => println!("account: {:?}", storage_account),
        StorageAcct::V2(storage_account) => println!("account: {:?}", storage_account),

// Function to add immutable storage to a storage account
async fn add_immutable_storage_test<T: Signer>(
    shdw_drive_client: &ShadowDriveClient<T>,
    storage_account_key: &Pubkey,
) {
    let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to get storage account");

    match storage_account {
        StorageAcct::V1(storage_account) => {
            println!("old size: {:?}", storage_account.reserved_bytes)
        StorageAcct::V2(storage_account) => {
            println!("old size: {:?}", storage_account.reserved_bytes)

    // Add immutable storage to the account
    let add_immutable_storage_response = shdw_drive_client
            Byte::from_str("1MB").expect("invalid byte string"),
        .expect("error adding storage");

    println!("response: {:?}", add_immutable_storage_response);

    let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to get storage account");

    match storage_account {
        StorageAcct::V1(storage_account) => {
            println!("new size: {:?}", storage_account.reserved_bytes)
        StorageAcct::V2(storage_account) => {
            println!("new size: {:?}", storage_account.reserved_bytes)

Example - Cancel Storage Account Deletion using rust

// Import necessary libraries and modules
use shadow_drive_rust::ShadowDriveClient;
use solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, signer::keypair::read_keypair_file};
use std::str::FromStr;

// Define the path to the keypair file
const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "keypair.json";

// Main function with async support
async fn main() {
    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");
    let storage_account_key =

    //create shdw drive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    // Send a request to cancel the deletion of the storage account
    let response = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to cancel storage account deletion");

    println!("Unmark delete storage account complete {:?}", response);

Example - Claim Stake using rust

use shadow_drive_rust::ShadowDriveClient;
use solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, signer::keypair::read_keypair_file};
use std::str::FromStr;

const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "keypair.json";

/// This example doesn't quite work.
/// claim_stake is used to redeem SHDW after you reduce the storage amount of an account
/// In order to successfully claim_stake, the user needs to wait an epoch after reducing storage
/// Trying to claim_stake in the same epoch as a reduction will result in
/// "custom program error: 0x1775"
/// "Error Code: ClaimingStakeTooSoon"

async fn main() {
    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");
    let storage_account_key =

    //create shdw drive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    let url = String::from(

    // reduce storage

    // let reduce_storage_response = shdw_drive_client
    //     .reduce_storage(
    //         storage_account_key,
    //         Byte::from_str("100KB").expect("invalid byte string"),
    //     )
    //     .await
    //     .expect("error adding storage");

    // println!("txn id: {:?}", reduce_storage_response.txid);


    // claim stake
    // let claim_stake_response = shdw_drive_client
    //     .claim_stake(storage_account_key)
    //     .await
    //     .expect("failed to claim stake");

    // println!(
    //     "Claim stake complete {:?}",
    //     claim_stake_response
    // );

Example - Uploading and Deleting Files with rust SDK

// Import necessary modules and types
use shadow_drive_rust::{models::ShadowFile, ShadowDriveClient};
use solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, signer::keypair::read_keypair_file};
use std::str::FromStr;

const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "keypair.json";

// Main function
async fn main() {
    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");

    let v1_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("GSvvRguVTtSayF5zLQPLVTJQHQ6Fqu1Z3HSRMP8AHY9K").unwrap();
    let v2_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("2cvgcqfmMg9ioFtNf57ZqCNbuWDfB8ZSzromLS8Kkb7q").unwrap();

    //create shdw drive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    // Upload file for v1_pubkey
    let v1_upload_reponse = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to upload v1 file");
    println!("Upload complete {:?}", v1_upload_reponse);

    // Upload file for v2_pubkey
    let v2_upload_reponse = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to upload v2 file");

    println!("Upload complete {:?}", v2_upload_reponse);

    let v1_url = String::from(
    let v2_url = String::from(

    //delete file
    // Delete file for v1_pubkey
    let v1_delete_file_response = shdw_drive_client
        .delete_file(&v1_pubkey, v1_url)
        .expect("failed to delete file");
    println!("Delete file complete {:?}", v1_delete_file_response);

    // Delete file for v2_pubkey
    let v2_delete_file_response = shdw_drive_client
        .delete_file(&v2_pubkey, v2_url)
        .expect("failed to delete file");
    println!("Delete file complete {:?}", v2_delete_file_response);

Example - Delete Storage Account using rust

use shadow_drive_rust::ShadowDriveClient;
use solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, signer::keypair::read_keypair_file};
use std::str::FromStr;

const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "keypair.json";

async fn main() {
    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");
    let storage_account_key =

    //create shdw drive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    // Request storage account deletion
    let response = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to request storage account deletion");

    println!("Delete Storage Account complete {:?}", response);

Example - Tests

use byte_unit::Byte;
use shadow_drive_rust::{models::ShadowFile, ShadowDriveClient, StorageAccountVersion};
use solana_sdk::{
    signer::{keypair::read_keypair_file, Signer},

const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "keypair.json";

async fn main() {
    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");
    // let pubkey = keypair.pubkey();
    // let (storage_account_key, _) =
    //     shadow_drive_rust::derived_addresses::storage_account(&pubkey, 0);

    let storage_account_key = pubkey!("G6nE9EbNgSDcvUvs67enP2Jba3exgLyStgsg8S7n9StS");

    //create shdw drive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    // get_storage_accounts_test(shdw_drive_client, &pubkey).await

    // create_storage_account_v2_test(shdw_drive_client).await
    upload_file_test(shdw_drive_client, &storage_account_key).await

async fn get_storage_accounts_test<T: Signer>(
    shdw_drive_client: ShadowDriveClient<T>,
    pubkey: &Pubkey,
) {
    let storage_accounts = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to get storage account");
    println!("{:?}", storage_accounts);

async fn create_storage_account_v2_test<T: Signer>(shdw_drive_client: ShadowDriveClient<T>) {
    let result = shdw_drive_client
            Byte::from_str("10MB").expect("invalid byte string"),
        .expect("error creating storage account");
    println!("{:?}", result);

// async fn get_object_data_test<T: Signer>(
//     shdw_drive_client: ShadowDriveClient<T>,
//     location: &str,
// ) {
//     let result = shdw_drive_client
//         .get_object_data(location)
//         .await
//         .expect("error getting object data");
//     println!("{:?}", result);
// }

// async fn list_objects_test<T: Signer>(
//     shdw_drive_client: ShadowDriveClient<T>,
//     storage_account_key: &Pubkey,
// ) {
//     let objects = shdw_drive_client
//         .list_objects(storage_account_key)
//         .await
//         .expect("failed to list objects");

//     println!("objects {:?}", objects);
// }

// async fn make_storage_immutable_test<T: Signer>(
//     shdw_drive_client: ShadowDriveClient<T>,
//     storage_account_key: &Pubkey,
// ) {
//     let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
//         .get_storage_account(storage_account_key)
//         .await
//         .expect("failed to get storage account");
//     println!(
//         "identifier: {:?}; immutable: {:?}",
//         storage_account.identifier, storage_account.immutable
//     );

//     let make_immutable_response = shdw_drive_client
//         .make_storage_immutable(&storage_account_key)
//         .await
//         .expect("failed to make storage immutable");

//     println!("txn id: {:?}", make_immutable_response.txid);

//     let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
//         .get_storage_account(&storage_account_key)
//         .await
//         .expect("failed to get storage account");
//     println!(
//         "identifier: {:?}; immutable: {:?}",
//         storage_account.identifier, storage_account.immutable
//     );
// }

// async fn add_storage_test<T: Signer>(
//     shdw_drive_client: &ShadowDriveClient<T>,
//     storage_account_key: &Pubkey,
// ) {
//     let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
//         .get_storage_account(&storage_account_key)
//         .await
//         .expect("failed to get storage account");

//     let add_storage_response = shdw_drive_client
//         .add_storage(
//             storage_account_key,
//             Byte::from_str("10MB").expect("invalid byte string"),
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("error adding storage");

//     println!("txn id: {:?}", add_storage_response.txid);

//     let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
//         .get_storage_account(&storage_account_key)
//         .await
//         .expect("failed to get storage account");

//     println!("new size: {:?}",;
// }

// async fn reduce_storage_test<T: Signer>(
//     shdw_drive_client: ShadowDriveClient<T>,
//     storage_account_key: &Pubkey,
// ) {
//     let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
//         .get_storage_account(storage_account_key)
//         .await
//         .expect("failed to get storage account");

//     println!("previous size: {:?}",;

//     let add_storage_response = shdw_drive_client
//         .reduce_storage(
//             storage_account_key,
//             Byte::from_str("10MB").expect("invalid byte string"),
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("error adding storage");

//     println!("txn id: {:?}", add_storage_response.txid);

//     let storage_account = shdw_drive_client
//         .get_storage_account(storage_account_key)
//         .await
//         .expect("failed to get storage account");

//     println!("new size: {:?}",;
// }

async fn upload_file_test<T: Signer>(
    shdw_drive_client: ShadowDriveClient<T>,
    storage_account_key: &Pubkey,
) {
    let upload_reponse = shdw_drive_client
            vec![ShadowFile::file(String::from("example.png"), "example.png")],
        .expect("failed to upload file");

    println!("Upload complete {:?}", upload_reponse);

Example - Creating and Migrating a Storage Account using ShadowDriveClient in Rust

use byte_unit::Byte;
use shadow_drive_rust::{ShadowDriveClient, StorageAccountVersion};
use solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, signer::keypair::read_keypair_file};
use std::str::FromStr;

const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "keypair.json";

// Main function to demonstrate creating and migrating a storage account 
// using ShadowDriveClient
async fn main() {
    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");

    //create shdw drive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    // create V1 storage account
    let v1_response = shdw_drive_client
            Byte::from_str("1MB").expect("invalid byte string"),
        .expect("error creating storage account");

    println!("v1: {:?} \n", v1_response);

    let key_string: String = v1_response.shdw_bucket.unwrap();
    let v1_pubkey: Pubkey = Pubkey::from_str(&key_string).unwrap();

    // can migrate all at once
    let migrate = shdw_drive_client
        .expect("failed to migrate");
    println!("Migrated {:?} \n", migrate);

    // alternatively can split migration into 2 steps (boths steps are exposed)

    // // step 1
    // let migrate_step_1 = shdw_drive_client
    //     .migrate_step_1(&v1_pubkey)
    //     .await
    //     .expect("failed to migrate v1 step 1");
    // println!("Step 1 complete {:?} \n", migrate_step_1);

    // // step 2
    // let migrate_step_2 = shdw_drive_client
    //     .migrate_step_2(&v1_pubkey)
    //     .await
    //     .expect("failed to migrate v1 step 2");
    // println!("Step 2 complete {:?} \n", migrate_step_2);

Example - Redeem Rent for Storage using Rust

use shadow_drive_rust::ShadowDriveClient;
use solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, signer::keypair::read_keypair_file};
use std::str::FromStr;

const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "keypair.json";

async fn main() {
    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");

    //create shdw drive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    let storage_account_key =

    let file_account_key =

    let redeem_rent_response = shdw_drive_client
        .redeem_rent(&storage_account_key, &file_account_key)
        .expect("failed to redeem_storage");
    println!("Redeemed {:?} \n", redeem_rent_response);

Example - Uploading Multiple Files to a storage account in rust

use byte_unit::Byte;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use shadow_drive_rust::{models::ShadowFile, ShadowDriveClient, StorageAccountVersion};
use solana_sdk::signer::{keypair::read_keypair_file, Signer};
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;

const KEYPAIR_PATH: &str = "keypair.json";

// Main function for uploading multiple files to a ShdwDrive storage account
async fn main() {

    //load keypair from file
    let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path");
    let pubkey = keypair.pubkey();
    let (storage_account_key, _) =
        shadow_drive_rust::derived_addresses::storage_account(&pubkey, 21);

    //create ShdwDrive client
    let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "");

    //ensure storage account exists
    if let Err(_) = shdw_drive_client
        println!("Error finding storage account, assuming it's not created yet");
                Byte::from_str("1MB").expect("failed to parse byte string"),
            .expect("failed to create storage account");

    // Read files from "multiple_uploads" directory
    let dir = tokio::fs::read_dir("multiple_uploads")
        .expect("failed to read multiple uploads dir");

    // Create ShadowFile objects for each file in the directory
    let mut files = tokio_stream::wrappers::ReadDirStream::new(dir)
        .and_then(|entry| async move {
                    .expect("failed to convert os string to regular string"),
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
        .expect("failed to create shdw files for dir");

    // Add a ShadowFile object with byte content
        &b"this is a buf test"[..],

    // Upload files to the storage account
    let upload_results = shdw_drive_client
        .store_files(&storage_account_key, files)
        .expect("failed to upload files");

    println!("upload results: {:#?}", upload_results);

Last updated